Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Blog!!!

Hey yea i have a new blog and i want you all to check it out i think you will like it. the first post will be up by next week so you can check it out i have to take some pics for it so that why it wont be ready til then. CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o) I will post the URL after i have created the actual blog again i had created it before but there are a few problems i need to fix but to save trouble im just going to delete the remake it again and i will post the URL when its up like i said...

Thanks :o)

Monday, July 13, 2009


Its meeeeee. i went to the Navy Volleyball Camp and got back a week ago it was very tough and i was waaaay to sore to even try and get my butt to the computer and log onto blogger but I'm here now not really sore anymore and excited to get back to blogging i missed it soooooooo much.

So let me tell you about camp, first of all the dreaded stairs from hell. we had to climb 3 flights of stairs just to get to my dorm ( my friend had to climb 4 flights hehehe ) then when i got there my two roommates ( my friends Katelyn and her little sister Shelby) picked the best beds and i got the one that was very uncomfortable and had little head resting area then comes dinner, the first 2 days the meals were freaking amazingly good but once the 3rd day came the food started tasting and smelling like pure nastiness.

But anyways, after that we have session 1: the basics of volleyball bumping and setting one of the worse sessions of the week. My coach Cynnamon aka "candy" ( we played picnic to learn each others name so mine is Tiffany aka "taco" ) and my other coach Lindsey aka "lettuce" told us to get in defensive position so i did thinking we were gonna bump volleyballs since we were the "experienced group" meaning we have played before on a team or summer league. and i was waaaaay wrong. they made us stand in defensive position: butt down, back straight, knees bent, down low hands off knees and arms extended out now my thighs are on FIRE and they make us hold this for 5 mins then comes setting they make us hold setting position for another 5 mins now my arms are on FIRE so then finally comes some actual ball action we get to bump and set with a partner also known as peppering but even then the fun part they just HAD to make it a little tough. the made us bump and set the ball 100 times to each other and that may sound easy which it is but the added to it for us to stay in defensive position and if our form wasn't good but our bump is they would count it and would deduct a point and every time you dropped it you had to start over which was very evil. then after my session. my legs are still on fire and i have to climb those three flights of stairs and sleep on an uncomfortable bed having to wake up at 5:30 in the morning and do it all over again well isn't that just dandy :o) NOT :o( But there was some fun like when me and my buddies sneaked onto the elevator and only got caught once and the second fun part was LEAVING thank God, Jesus the Holy Spirit and all the angels in heaven i was leaving YES YES YES I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy to be home at last.