Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lesson Learned: dont play volleyball without knee pads : (

So yes i have really learned my lesson and now know not to dive for a volleyball without knee pads. i injured my knee on Saturday at my friend's little sister's volleyball game on an open court that the 18's team had played on. my friend Katelyn had served a hard ball and so it was only in my instinct to dive for that ball. i got the ball but hurt my knee doing it so now i am at home with an Ace bandage around it and just as in pain as i can be now. it has gotten a little better since Saturday but it still hurts to bend it. i went to the doc and she said i will good by Friday or Saturday, i have a tournament Saturday so i sure hope so but for now I'm just here, at home, with nothing to do but schoolwork....bleh. : (


Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaack!!!!

If you hadn't noticed i took a pretty long break for 2 reasons:

  1. i had another volleyball tournament
  2. i had a really busy week last week and couldn't blog ( i missed blogging sooo much)

so ya my last game was great. we came in 2ND place in the gold bracket. we lost to a really good select team. anyways all my serves were like bullets and they were all in except for one that hit the net : ( i was sad about that one. but along with my serves my spikes were even better i was sooooo happy. the pics above are of my team.

i am in the waaaaaaaaaaaay back you cant see me but if you look real close you may catch a small glimpse of my head. LOL. but anywho how is everybody??? i saw that it was Tiffany's bday on Brandon's blog so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFFANY!!!!

well i gots to go much love<3


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's Time 4 Some Volleyball!!!!!!!!

duh duh duh duh duh da da duh duh duh duh duh da duh duh duh duh duh da da are ya ready for this!!!!

hahahaaaaaa its time for another volleyball tournament yaaay!!! i think we may have a chance of winning this game, we are playing on our home court at the Capital Clubhouse. and we have soooo much fun there at our games, we joke around and act really stupid and funny. last time we had a game there we took 3 of our team volleyballs and were passing and setting them to each other and broke one of the metal light covers of the light hanging from the ceiling.

never put 12 crazy girls together in a small room because something is bound to be broken somewhere. haha!!! but anyways back to the game, em em. so ya we lost in the playoffs last time we were there by 1 small point missed by a very powerful spike but my friend Kara that hit the back wall.

but we are back stronger than ever and ready to dominate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

I said i would...

this car is nice and warm in the garage but the ones below
look at those cars awww they must be freezing :(

the patio covered in snow

my neighbor's house

my daddy he was sooo cold

the place i call home...we got 9.5 inches of snow!!!

well i posted the pics like i said. there is sooooooo much snow i was outside bundled from head to toe in warm jackets and hats but in all it is very beautiful out there.


Sunday, March 1, 2009


we just got a report on the news that my town is getting 5 to 12 inches of the pretty white stuff...yes SNOW!!!! i am soooooo happy the stores are crazy!!! around here when the word snow is talked about everyone rushes to the store to get prepared its weird.

at first i thought it was a joke but its all to true so now we went to the store got what we needed and are kinda ready all we have to do is wait.

but I'm happy because now i can spend time blogging and texting yaaaaay!!! but the bad part is I'm homeschooled and so we do school at home and when snow comes i still have to do the work. i don't have an advantage when it comes to snow days but at least my family will be home all together we rarely are together and we never just sit down and talk or play a nice board game to have some bonding time we used to do that all the time and i really miss those days but now is a great time to get together and hang out. so ya i guess that's all i have to say for now. OH!!! and i will post pics of our snow once it has all fallen to the ground.