Thursday, February 26, 2009

Other Account...

my other account is finish on my list of followers click on the volleyball one that's my other profile if u want to see it or follow that blog i created OK


Sick of being sick

I am just getting over some type of sickness that left me vomiting and weak, now i think my family has it... just about 10 mins ago my dad called and said that he was feeling sick and just threw up, my mom same just happened to her 2 mins after my dad called and my bro who has not vomited yet may be next. We have a few reasons why this may be happening...

  1. i was sick and may have spread it
  2. it could just be food poisoning from the chicken they had
  3. something caught at work or something

I'm really scared because i might be the cause of this:( so i am taking responsibility if i am the reason, i will make soup, cook, clean whatever i can to help them if i did this if not i will still help I'm just upset cause i hate to see them this way and I'm now getting better so i feel guilty and i have volleyball tonight and a spelling bee tomorrow and i have no ride because everyone is sick except for one of my brothers maybe i will call him and ask if he can help me he is 20 can drive i may be in luck but if not i will be OK i just have to face the facts that i may have gotten my family sick ugh I'm sooooooooooooo upset but i will figure something out i gotta have faith well i have to go care for my mom and wait for my dad to get here oh i hope everybody is OK...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Volleyball, we lost...

it was a reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly close game, we lost 28 to 30 we were playing games of 25 but we kept getting tied. It was the game that would determine if we get into the playoffs for the day but we lost so we just went home...

i knew we could have done waaaaaaaaaaay better if he had put me and the other final game bench warmers in the game, why well because

  1. we were not tired

  2. we were the only girls practicing in between games

  3. we were all taller and could have blocked more balls

  4. we were all around pumped and ready to kick some butt

we were all disappointed at the end especially me because i tried really really hard to get the excited out there i was the loudest girl there i wish i could have recorded it so you could hear me i was louder than a girl screaming on a scary horror film!!!!!!!!!!!

but whatever i am going back to practice on Tuesday with confidence, a smile, and a strut in my walk this wont tear me down!!!!!!!!!!!!

LET'S GO SLAMMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


i am creating another blogger account just to let you all know i will post my other account info if you want to follow it after it is made just wanted to let you all know...
i am still keeping this one i just want another... its kinda like my 2ND identity ha ha...

I Couldn't Believe It

Chinese Restaurant Syndrome:

-headache and tingling or burning feelings and sweating caused by eating food that contains mono sodium glutamate

-Chinese restaurant syndrome, also called mono sodium glutamate symptom complex, is a collection of symptoms which may include headache, flushing, sweating, and a sensation of pressure in the mouth or face.

i couldn't believe it but it is a real thing i thought my friend Josh was kidding but it was all to real, we were practicing our spelling words for the county spelling bee and he was looking up a German word when he saw it. his twin sister thought he was just being stupid but it was true...ya know this is a great idea for an excuse to get out of going to school hahaha but I'm homeschooled so that wouldn't work, maybe i will use it so i cant go to spelling practice...

whatever anyways tell me what you think of Chinese Restaurant Syndrome

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My new silly name

so me and my friends always act stupid at volleyball practice so we were coming up with names fro ourselves while we were taking a break so my friend (lets call her K) and my other friends ( lets call them L and KT) came up with these ideas
  1. Bianca
  2. Bonquiqui
  3. Ganana

i hated those so i came up with this name and we all agreed my new silly name is:

Octavia Cabbagecarrot

so what do you all think comment on the name and come up with a silly name for yourself<3

P.S. that name is my new profile name and a new idea for a blog i will explain later...

Friday, February 13, 2009

hiatus- i will be on polyvore

i saw this on Cheddah's blog and had to check it out so i did and now i am taking a small week long break to do some sets and i am also taking this hiatus for my church; i work with the babies they are so cute but anyways ya i have a link to my polyvore on my fashion blog so ya have a nice day see you in a week. i luv y'all<3>

Friday, February 6, 2009

To Grandmothers House I Go...

For the whole weekend i wont be blogging i wonder how i can stay away? my Nana has slow Internet and i love to blog...what to do, what to do? well on the bright side i get to spend time with my Nana...she is 66 years old but looks nothing like it (she could pass for 55) i love my Nana i never get to spend time with her because I'm so busy with volleyball and school, i will definitely cherish this weekend with her and my grandfather.she told me that we might go shopping with my cousin!!! she is 19 and so much fun, we have to ask her or my grandfather to drive us because well i am only 13 and i cant drive lol... and my Nana cant see clearly because she had a fall back in 2006 and punctured the back of her eye so she cant see but beside the fact its will be great to be there...
oh and did i mention she lives 10 mins from me? :) <3>

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

volleyball practice PA-LEEZ more like boot camp

its true!!! i mean come on my coach is rough. Here is how our practice(boot camp) goes...

  1. we play around and stuff (only fun part of the day)
  2. we run 3-4 laps around the court( its a pretty large court)
  3. we run to the net, back-peddle to the starting point and do 3 push ups (we do that 5 times)
  4. then we do a serve/receive drill for about 20 mins
  5. then we have a 1min break (literally)
  6. then we do spike, pass, block, serve, and setting drills for like 30-40 mins
  7. then we do a small 6 on 6 game ( i play middle front and middle back)
  8. then we break for like another 1 min
  9. then we do queen of the court which is kinda fun but i don't really enjoy it
  10. then we do 10 push ups 40 sit ups talk for like 2 mins then we go home

trust me it may sound easy to some but when you are doing it it is waaaaaaaaaaaay harder. personally my favorite part of practice(boot camp) is hanging with friends, and spiking... i looooooooooooove spiking ahhhhhhh spiking. :)

P.S. the pics above are my uniform i love that too