Tuesday, February 3, 2009

volleyball practice PA-LEEZ more like boot camp

its true!!! i mean come on my coach is rough. Here is how our practice(boot camp) goes...

  1. we play around and stuff (only fun part of the day)
  2. we run 3-4 laps around the court( its a pretty large court)
  3. we run to the net, back-peddle to the starting point and do 3 push ups (we do that 5 times)
  4. then we do a serve/receive drill for about 20 mins
  5. then we have a 1min break (literally)
  6. then we do spike, pass, block, serve, and setting drills for like 30-40 mins
  7. then we do a small 6 on 6 game ( i play middle front and middle back)
  8. then we break for like another 1 min
  9. then we do queen of the court which is kinda fun but i don't really enjoy it
  10. then we do 10 push ups 40 sit ups talk for like 2 mins then we go home

trust me it may sound easy to some but when you are doing it it is waaaaaaaaaaaay harder. personally my favorite part of practice(boot camp) is hanging with friends, and spiking... i looooooooooooove spiking ahhhhhhh spiking. :)

P.S. the pics above are my uniform i love that too


  1. OMG im so happy dat sum1 agrees wit me dat vball is hard.

    our practice is the same but we hav shorter breaks. it ends wen everybodi done which is basicalli wen da coaches say...wich is lik 30 seconds

    i love spiking to...and i just got it rite to

  2. Hey thanks for commenting on my blog you seem nice and I'll tell Tiffany about you

  3. Hi!!! I'm Alissa! i'm Ashlyn's new friend at Oswalt! If you are one of her friends I just wanted to say hi!!!!! I hope I'll meet you soon!


Thanks for commenting i really love to see what you have to say about my blogs and i take it to heart<3
