Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's Time 4 Some Volleyball!!!!!!!!

duh duh duh duh duh da da duh duh duh duh duh da duh duh duh duh duh da da are ya ready for this!!!!

hahahaaaaaa its time for another volleyball tournament yaaay!!! i think we may have a chance of winning this game, we are playing on our home court at the Capital Clubhouse. and we have soooo much fun there at our games, we joke around and act really stupid and funny. last time we had a game there we took 3 of our team volleyballs and were passing and setting them to each other and broke one of the metal light covers of the light hanging from the ceiling.

never put 12 crazy girls together in a small room because something is bound to be broken somewhere. haha!!! but anyways back to the game, em em. so ya we lost in the playoffs last time we were there by 1 small point missed by a very powerful spike but my friend Kara that hit the back wall.

but we are back stronger than ever and ready to dominate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!


  1. OMG!!! lol i love volleyball teams dat can hav fun cus sum teams r so serius!


  2. i get ma backgrounds from



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